Friday, November 23, 2007

Difference between sap Rule and sap Role

What is the difference between a Rule and a Role? Is there different tcodes for creating them? In which scenario, we use them instead of the other one?

A Rule is a general way to 'define' your agents.

A rule is maintained with TCode PFAC and are used to programmatically define the agents. For example, if you want a work item to go to all managers who worked for the company for 5 years or more, then you would have to create a rule that handles this custom scenario. Typically this is done by creating a custom function module that performs your selection logic and passes the results back to the rule.

A Role is a general way to 'assign' your agents.

A role is maintained with TCode PFCG and are usually assigned to a User (someone with a valid login). For example, you can have the role of ABAP_DEVELOPER and assign this role to all users who are developers. This is a good method to use if you want ALL developers to receive a workflow work item.

You can specify not only a system user, but also a role or an object of Organizational Management such as a position, a Job, an organizational unit or a work center. Alternatively, you can define a container element that contains the object of Organizational Management at runtime or a rule for dynamic agent determination.

Objects of Org Managemnet being organizational unit, job, position, work center.

Role and Rule are not considered objects of OM.

How to display company logo in workplace (work item preview)?

Go to "WI display" tab of your dialog step.
use function module SWL0_PREVIEW_DEMO_GIF_ONLY (logo only) or
SWL0_PREVIEW_DEMO_TEXT_AND_GIF (logo plus text) as template to create your own.

For the image:
go to tx SMW0,
- choose binary
- then click the blue table icon
- execute the transaction.

You'll get a table where you can add your own logo.
For e.g. your image is called Zmiguel, type .gif.

To be able to see it you have to assign an editor (settings-->assign myme editor) assign iexplorer for example to image/gif type.

Then in your function (copy of FM SWL0_PREVIEW_DEMO_GIF_ONLY or
e_info-gif-id = 'ZMIGUEL'.
e_info-gif-ALIGN = 'R'.

Add a Field To New Condition Table in Pricing

Add a field to a new condition table in Pricing (Condition Technique):-

I will explain you the process with below example...Please follow steps in below sequence-

Try to add the filed from the field catalog. In case the required combination field is not there, you can add the field through the following process to filed catalog and create the condition table. It is most common that one or other time we need to use this function while configuring multi tasking & complex Pricing Architecture.

Here I'm giving a simple guide to add fields to the Pricing Field Catalogues:

For example you want to use field PSTYV ('Sales document item category') that is included in structure KOMP ('Pricing Communication Item') as a key for a condition table.

When you create a condition table (Transaction V/03), however, the system does not propose the field in the field catalog.

Condition access, field catalog, allowed fields, KOMG, KOMK, KOMP, KOMPAZ, KOMKAZ, PSTYV are the other terms which we need to know about, to add Fields.

Reason and Prerequisites:
For technical reasons, field PSTYV was included in structure KOMP, however, not in structure KOMG ('Allowed Fields for Condition Structures').

Proceed as follows:
1. Call up the ABAP Dictionary (Transaction SE11) and create data type ZZPSTYV. Choose PSTYV as a domain.As a short text, you can use, for example, 'ZZ - sales document item category' and as a field label, you can use the field labels of PSTYV.Save, check and activate your entries.

2. Call up structure KOMPAZ in the ABAP Dictionary (Transaction SE11) in the change mode and make the following entry:
Component Component type:
Save, check and activate the change you made.

3. Note:Because of the change in structure KOMPAZ, field ZZPSTYV is now known in structures KOMG and KOMP because structure KOMPAZ is included in both structures.

4. Call up Transaction SPRO. Navigate to 'Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing -> Pricing Control' and execute 'Define Condition Tables'.
Choose 'Conditions: Allowed fields' and include ZZPSTYV as a new entry.

5. Note:Now you can use field ZZPSTYV as a key field when you create a condition table Axxx.

6. Supply the new field you defined by including the following source code line in USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP:
In order processing you find the user exit in Include MV45AFZZ, and in billing document processing you find it in Include RV60AFZZ.

Consider that you can also use this note as a help if you want to use other customer-specific fields as key fields in a condition table.

For header fields, use structure KOMKAZ instead of structure KOMPAZ and

For more information, see Transaction SPRO via the path 'Sales and Distribution -> System Modifications -> Create New Fields (Using Condition Technique) -> New Fields for Pricing' and OSS Note 21040.

Difference for Stock Transfer and Transfer Posting

Questions: Tell me the difference between transfer postings and stock transfers. What are the material documents that are generated and what are the accounts hits.

Stock Transfer = physically stock transfer of goods,
Trasfer posting = may physical (or) logical (not physical) stock transfer of goods.

Transfer posting and stock transfer:
Transfer posting : plant to plant/ Storage location to Storage Location.
In which if the valuation area is same. i.e.
- Sloc to Sloc within one plant then there will be no accounting entry occurs.
- However if the its Sloc to Sloc but with two different plant. and valuation area+valuation price is diff then there will accounting doc and material doc created for the same.

Stock Transfer:
There are unrestricted stock, quality inspection stock, blocked stock. Also you can have GR Blocked stock, special stock too. It will update the quantity. *-- Madhura k

Stock Tranfer and Transfer Posting - Importances are same up to Plant to Plant . However Customer ( Client ) Prefer Stock Transfer than Transfer Posting.

See the Below Advantages of Stock Transfer more than Transfer Postings :
The transfer of stock using a stock transport order has the following advantages over the transfer of stock without a stock transport order:
- A goods receipt can be planned in the receiving plant.
- You can enter a vendor (transport vendor) in the stock transport order.
- Delivery costs can be entered in the stock transport order.
- The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be converted into stock transport orders.
- The goods issue can be entered using a delivery via Shipping (LE-SHP
- The goods receipt can be posted directly to consumption.
- The entire process can be monitored via the purchase order history.
However we need to do some times Plant to Plant Trasfer Postings only in some industires. This is based on Customer Requirement. *-- Pavan G Kulkarni

How many stock transfer process are avaikable in SAP?
Like 1)Two step stock transfer (MM/SD) .
2)Two steap stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305.
3) One step stock transfer Move type 301.

Stock Transport Order (STO)

Without STO
One step stock transfer Move type 301.
Two step stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305.

Using STO without delivery:
doc.type: UB
GI:351, GR:101

STO with delivery:
GI:641, GR:101
delivery type:NL

STO with delivery and billing:
GI:643, GR:101
delivery type:NLCC , billing type:IV

What Are Routines and Transfer

What are routines? are Transfer/Update rules and routines one and the same?

Routines are like conditions or business rules that could be applied to filter the data while entering the BW system or could be used to apply certain conditions on the info objects itself.

There are 4 types of routines

1. Start routine- Could be used at two levels (transfer rule level and the Update rule level)

This Start routine written at the transfer rule level helps filter the necessary data coming from the source system.
For Example: If you decide to extract data that contain only quantity greater than 500 , then you could specify the Start rouitne to achieve this.

The Start routine at the Update rule level provides similar functionality but at this point it helps direct specific data to
different data targets. For Example: If there 3 data targets being fed from the Infosource, you may want to apply some condition to each data target, like send year 2000 data ti Data target1, 2001 to data target 2 and so on. This can be achieved by using Start routine at the Update rule level

2. Transfer Routine: This feature is available at the transfer rule levels

While performing the transfer rules operation, there are 4 features available to the developers to create business rules on top pf the Infoobjects.

1. You could do a one to one mappping of the Infoobject
2. Provide a constant value
3. Include a formula
4. Write an ABAp routine.

These 4 options refers to the transfer routine

3. Update Routine:
The limitations of just having 4 options in the transfer routine is overcome at the update rule level. There are various other
sophisticated features avaialable apart from the 4 options mentioned above. These business rules could be specified pertaining to each data target.

4. Conversion Routine: It provides functionality to do Currency and unit conversion

Planned Order Conversion to Process Orders

We are facing problems when converting planned orders to process orders. During conversion when BOM is re-exploded it is not using the same production version as specified in the planned order instead it defaults to the first one it sees.

I need to know if I am missing any settings anywhere.....

First ensure that setting in the material master for BOM explosion is "Selection thru prod version".

Then Pls check the validity periods of the new production version.

Prod Ver Val frm val to No lot size variation
0001 01.01.2007 31.12.9999
0002 01.01.2007 31.01.2007
0001 01.01.2007 31.12.9999
0002 01.01.2007 31.12.2007

Then in both the cases system will always pick prod ver 0001 default (Longer validity period). If not the case then
Check for lot size variation (if lot size dependent.)

Further if you are not able to select the req prod Ver then you can lock the earlier prod version(if it is not in use).

To avoid this prob in future.... always use "Valid to date" either in limits (31.12.2007) or without limit (31.12.9999) for all prod version of a material.

When we have to go for Planned order conversion to Process order, it is used in manufacturing industry or process industry, when exactly we use process orders?

It is used for process industries.

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