Thursday, November 22, 2007

Learn all Functions in ALV Grid or ALV report

After a report has been generated, there are many options available for customizing the data within the ALV grid. The sections below give more information for using the available options.

Modifying Columns
There are many options for manually modifying columns, including resizing, moving, freezing, sorting, hiding, and calculating.

Resize Columns
To resize a column, place your cursor over the line between column headers. When it turns into a cross, click and drag the edge of the column.

Move Columns
To move a column, click the column header once to select it. Then click and drag the column header to a new location.

Freeze Columns
To freeze a column, right-click the column header and select Freeze to Column. The column will not move when you scroll. To unfreeze the column, right-click the column header and select Unfreeze Columns.

Sort Columns
To sort a column, select a column header then click the appropriate sort icon. The icon sorts a column in ascending order. The icon sorts a column in descending order.

Hide Columns
To hide a column, right-click the column header and select Hide.

Calculate Columns
If a column is totaled, the mean, minimum, or maximum value can be determined by following the menu path Edit > Calculate and then selecting the desired option. The calculated value replaces the total at the end of the report.

Navigating Subtotals
To expand or collapse the lines included in a single subtotal, click the expand or collapse icon next to the field being subtotaled. To expand or collapse all subtotals, click the expand/collapse icon in the lower lefthand corner of the total line. Expand or collapse individual subtotals Expand or collapse all subtotals

Change a Report Layout
While many individual modifications can be made to a report using icons and dragging columns, multiple modifications can be made at once using the change layout function. The Change Layout icon provides an interface for changing the column order and the sort order. It allows you to apply filters and display options to the report. Below are directions for each of these functions. After making changes, click (Transfer) to apply your changes.

Change Column Order
The Columns tab is used to select and order the columns you want to appear on your report. The names on the left indicate the columns included in the order they will appear. The names on the right are the available fields that can be added. Double-click on a column name to move it from one area to the other. To reorder the columns, select a column name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to move the column up or down a position.

Change Sort Order
The Sort Order tab is used to define the sort order and subtotaling by column. The names on the left indicate the columns to be sorted in the order they will be sorted. The names on the right are the available columns. Double-click on a column name to move it from one area to the other. To reorder the columns, select a column name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to move the column up or down a position. There are three fields to the left of each included column. The first radio button indicates ascending order. The second radio button indicates descending order. The check box determines if the column is subtotaled.

Apply Filter
The Filter tab is used to set criteria for including or excluding specific items in a report. The names on the left indicate the columns to be filtered in the order they will be filtered. The names on the right are the available columns. Double-click on a column name to move it from one area to the other. To reorder the columns, select a column name and click the arrows at the top of the tab to move the column up or down a position. You click another tab or close the dialog box, an additional dialog box displays for you to enter the filter criteria. You can use the multiple selection icon to enter multiple values or ranges. You can also use dynamic selections to apply operators to the criteria. When you are finished entering values, click (Copy) to apply the filter.

Change Display Options
The Display tab is used to change the way a report is displayed. The following table provides an
explanation of each option.
Display Option Description
Without horizontal gridlines Removes horizontal lines
Without vertical gridlines Removes vertical lines
Without column headings Removes column headers
Without cell merging during sorts Places a horizontal line between each entry. If
not checked, horizontal lines are removed
between identical values.
With optimum column width Set each column to the width of its largest value
With striped pattern Set every other row to a different color
Display totals lines above the entries Moves totals and subtotals above the lines they

Save a Report Layout
1. Click (Save Layout).
2. Enter a name in the Save Layout field. The name must begin with a letter.
3. Type in a description for the layout in the Name field.
4. Select the Default Setting check box if you want this layout to be the default layout every time you run
the report.
5. Click (Continue).
Note: A warning message will appear if you are trying to save over an existing layout. Close the box by
selecting the X in the upper right hand corner or choose Yes to overwrite the layout.

Select a Layout
1. Click (Select Layout).
2. Select a layout and click (Enter). Your report will display in the layout you have chosen.
Delete a Layout
If a layout you created is no longer useful, it can be deleted using the following process.
1. Follow the menu path Settings > Layout > Manage.
2. Select the layout(s) to be deleted by clicking on the gray box on the left side of the layout name.
3. Click (Delete layout). The layout is removed.
4. Click (Back). A pop-up box displays asking you to save your changes. Click Yes.

Report Integration with Microsoft Office
After generating a report, it is possible to export it into Microsoft Excel and/or Microsoft Word using three different options. Each of these options saves the file in a slightly different format. Before using any of these options, you have to set the macro security in your Office products to medium. Within your Office program, follow the menu path Tools > Macro > Security. Select the Medium security setting. Then click the Trusted Sources tab and ensure all the check boxes are selected. Click OK to save the changes. For the best results, ensure your Office program is closed before performing any of the following actions.

Save to Local File
Using this export option will retain all of the formatting that you may have done to the report in SAP, such as moving columns, setting filters and sorts, etc., but will not retain any of the color or font formatting in SAP, unless you choose the HTML option.

1. Click (Local file). The Save list in file... box will open.
2. Choose the desired file type in which to save the file.
• unconverted - tab-delimited file not associated with a program
• Spreadsheet - Microsoft Excel file
• Rich text format - Microsoft Word file
• HTML format - HTML file. This option adds some formatting, which will make it display
similiar to the report in SAP.
3. Click (Continue). The Transfer DAT to a Local File box will open.
4. The default location in which to save the file is your "SAPWorkDir" folder. Click (Search) to
choose another location.
5. Enter your file name at the end of the path and use the proper extension associated with the file
type you chose in step 2.
• unconverted - none
• Spreadsheet - .xls
• Rich text format - .rtf
• HTML format - .html
6. Click . The message "XXX Bytes transferred" will display, indicating that your file was
successful exported.

Exporting to Microsoft Excel

Using this export option will not retain any of the formatting that you applied in SAP, such as moving columns, setting filters and sorts, etc. However, it does add a colored background and heading and retains the proper column width.
1. Click (Spreadsheet...). An Information box will open advising you that any formatting you have
applied in SAP will not be exported with the data.
2. Click (Continue). The Export list object to XXL box will open.
3. Choose Table and click (Continue).
4. Click (Continue) again.
5. Excel will open with the report displayed. You can now format the report and save it as necessary.
6. In SAP, an Information box opens stating that you should save the data in the spreadsheet. As
soon as you click (Continue), the report in Excel closes, so be sure you have saved it if
necessary before doing so.

Opening Microsoft Excel within SAP

This export option will actually open Microsoft Excel within SAP, allowing you to use any of the formatting or calculation features available in Excel along with the SAP tools. However, modifying the data in the Excel spreadsheet within SAP will not change the actual data in SAP itself.

1. Click (Change layout...). The Change layout box will open.
2. Click the View tab.
3. Choose the Excel option.
4. Click on sap_om.xls in the Template list that displays on the right side of the box.
5. Click (Transfer).
6. Microsoft Excel will open in the window where the report data was displayed. You can now use all
of the options within Microsoft Excel and SAP to format and manipulate the data as necessary.
7. To save the file, follow the Excel menu path File > Save Copy As.
8. To close Excel, click (Change layout...), click the View tab, choose the Grid option, and click

Exporting to Microsoft Word

Using this option will not retain any of the formatting that you applied in SAP, such as moving columns, setting filters and sorts, etc., and it will export the data in a table within Word.

1. Click (Word Processing...). The Word Processor Settings box will open.
2. Choose the Create Document option and select Include Colors and/or Start MS Word if desired.
3. Click (Continue). The Transfer RTF to a Local File box will open.
4. The default location in which to save the file is your "SAPWorkDir" folder. Click (Search) to
choose another location.
5. Enter the file name at the end of the path and add the extension .rtf.
6. Click .
7. If you chose the option to have Word open, it will now open with the data displayed.

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