Place the mouse cursor in DEPOSIT and hit the Parameters button.
Write the parameters imported / exported for DEPOSIT method.
Similarly for SET_BALANCE


We can see
the attributes and methods by pressing “Display object list” button on top.

Now we IMPLEMENT the 3 methods.
Double click the method DEPOSIT.

Similarly for SET_BALANCE

Write the required code.
Similarly for WITHDRAW.

Press CTRL + F3 to activate or hit the Matchstick.
We will see this in the status
Now we are done building the global class we can test it.
Press F8.

Write the NEW_BALANCE and
Press ENTER.

We come back to Initial Screen.
Now click DEPOSIT.

Now let’s WITHDRAW 4000
Now the BALANCE is 2000
Lets try withdrawing 3000 now.

We get an exception.
Given below is an example code for using the global class we defined.
DATA: acct1 type ref to zaccountaa.
DATA: bal type i.
create object: acct1.
selection-screen begin of block a.
parameters: p_amnt type dmbtr,
p_dpst type dmbtr,
p_wdrw type dmbtr.
selection-screen end of block a.
call method acct1->set_balance( p_amnt ).
write:/ 'Set balance to ', p_amnt.
bal = acct1->deposit( p_dpst ).
write:/ 'Deposited ', p_dpst ,' bucks making balance to ', bal.
bal = acct1->withdraw( p_wdrw ).
write:/ 'Withdrew ', p_wdrw ,' bucks making balance to ', bal.
This is the output.

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